VS and the surroundings

Villingen - shopping & culture

Villingen a town of history. Churches, a monestry and an impressive cathedral are enclosed within a stone wall and are accessible through the original tower gates situated around this wall. Don´t miss the cathedral 'Unserer Lieben Frau'. The Franziskaner museum (Franciscan Museum) is the largest cultural history museum in the region with a comprehensive collection that spans from prehistory to modern times. It is located in a former monastery from the 13th to 18th century in the middle of the picture-book like town of Villingen. The permanent exhibition is composed of three areas: Town history, Black Forest collection and Celtic Tomb Magdalenenberg. It can be visited with free admission. A free audioguide is available in English and can also be downloaded as an app. Tourist info is also available in the city.

Tourist-Info, Rietgasse 2, 78050 Villingen, Tel. 07721 82-2340
> www.villingen-schwenningen.de

Schwenninger Moos - Schwenningen

3 square kilometers of natural moor park can be discovered here in Schwenningen. The moor is said to be not only the start of the Neckar but also the inflow from Rhine to the river Danube. It is a nature park to be enjoyed. Small paths lead you through pine and birch tree woods allowing you to take in the breathtaking scenery.

> www.umweltzentrum-sbn.de

The Clock Museum - Schwenningen
The clock museum can be found in the old clock factory in Schwenningen. Here the history of the clock museum is cleverly presented with humour and games.

Uhrenindustriemuseum, Bürkstraße 39, 78054 Villingen-Schwenningen (Ortsteil Schwenningen) , Tel. 07720 38044
> www.uhrenindustriemuseum.de

3Welten-Radweg - 3 world Biking Tour

In 6 stages , through 3 landscapes and 2 countries this tour takes you through 3 totally different neighbouring countrysides Hochrhine, Black Forest and around the Lake of Constance. The 3 world bike tour explores the variable countryside and introduces you to the different cultural and culinary delights. Experience the breathtaking views  the amazing dialects evolved over the years but still spoken and enjoyed.

Info: Internationale Bodensee Tourismus GmbH, Hafenstraße 6, 78462 Konstanz, Tel. 07531 909490
> www.schwarzwald-tourismus.info/entdecken/Rad-und-MTB

Schwarzwald Panorama-Radweg - Black Forest Panarama Bike Tour
Following the theme `Black Forest` the Panarama Bike Tour goes over the east side of the mountain. A 280 kilometers hard terrain takes you through the valleys heading south from Pforzheim to Waldshut-Tiengen.

> www.schwarzwald-tourismus.info/erleben/radfahren/tourenrad-und-e-bike/fernradwege/panoramaradweg

Donauradweg - Danube Bike Tour

Most loved bike tour in Europe.The river Danube flows 2850 kilometers from the spring in Donaueschingen to the mouth of the Black Sea. It is the second largest river in Europe and is 1000 kilometers longer than the Rhine,Central Asia and middle Europe were brought together throuh the vast amount of trading and migration of people along the Danube. The river flows through 10 cities. No other river connects so many cultures and people  as this. Follow the Danube South West to the Danube Delta to the Black Sea and you will discover what Europe is about.

> www.donau-radweg.info

Neckarradweg - Neckar Bike Tour
The Neckar bike tour goes from Schwenningen to Mannheim in 4 stages.

> www.neckarradweg.de

Wutachschlucht - Wutacht Canyon, 35 km
The biggest canyon in Germany. This canyon is an adventurous wild water canyon in the Black Forest.The canyon and its neighbouring streams and rivers form a breathtaking natural forest with an unbelievable magic touch.The gushing waterfalls, the isolated surroundings and the earthy smell of this nature park give you an unforgettable feeling. The small nature paths lead you through the enchanting canyons of the Black Forest.

> www.wutachschlucht.de

Triberg - 25 km
Germanys highest waterfalls in Triberg. Thousands of litres of water gushing down these amazing falls. The falls are within a nature park which is open all year round. To add to this wonderful experience, the waterfalls and the surrounding natural beauty are lit up at dusk to give off  the tranquil setting.

Tourist-Info Triberg, Wallfahrtstraße 4, 78098 Triberg im Schwarzwald, Tel.  +49 (0) 7722 8664-90
> www.triberg.de

Mainau Island - Lake of Constance, 90 km

Tulips in spring and roses in summer. Apart from the fascinating presentation of our regional flowers, the Mainau Island, situated in the lake of Constance, offers other fantastic attractions. Within the old baroque castle grounds you can find a 150 year old tree trunk resting amongst the waterfalls and the butterfly houses. Cafes and restaurants compliment this worthy visit.

Service Centre: Tel. 07531 303-0
> www.mainau.de

Europapark Rust - 100 km
The Europa Park is a theme park in Rust Baden-Wurttemberg Germany. With around 5,5 million vistors a year this is by far the most popular park in Germany.

Europapark Rust, Europa-Park-Straße 2, 77977 Rust
> www.europapark.com

- Black Forest e.g. Freiburg in Breisgau, Feldberg or Beuron
- Lake of Constance and  Meersburg
- Switzerland, Schaffhausen waterfalls
- Elsass in France

Sprache & Ziel - Guided Tours with Pascale Loreau

For clubs, companies or private individuals, Pascale Loreau offers individual tour guides for one or more days. A chance to discover the Black Forest at its best. The tours can be led in German, French or English. Refreshments and / or catering can be arranged to suit individual needs.

> www.spracheundziel.com

Find more information:

> www.villingen-schwenningen.de

> www.schwarzwald-tourismus.info

> www.wt-vs.de/de/tourismus.html

> www.hochschwarzwald.de




















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Ihre Brigitte Hiermaier
> Jetzt Zimmer buchen

Tel. +49 (0) 77 21.916 32 24

Rezeption bis 19.00 Uhr Schlüsselentnahme 24h

Express Check-out am Vorabend

gebührenpflichtiger Parkplatz gegenüber

E-Ladestation für Elektroautos am Hotel
Ladekabel Typ 2

Gratis WLAN
im gesamten Hotel

Radfahrer sind herzlich willkommen, abschließbare Unterstellmöglichkeit

Golfspieler sind herzlich willkommen!

Wir legen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit

Unser Hotel ist rauchfrei

Haustiere sind nicht erlaubt


For bookings or personal enquiries please contact us!

Brigitte Hiermaier
> book now

Phone +49 (0) 77 21.916 32 24

Key service 24/7

Express check out in advance

toll car park opposite the hotel

E-charging station for electric cars at the hotel
Type 2 charging cable

Free WIFI in all rooms

Cyclists welcome

Golfers welcome

Great importance to sustainability

No animals allowed

No smoking policy